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.USEMAP NS, MS, SMThis is used to identify the picture as a client-side image map and specifies a MAP to use to interpret user clicks.VRML MSThis attribute has the capability to include inline embedded VRML (WRL) worlds.(The viewer may need the VRML add-on, available from the Microsoft Windows95 Web site, to view it, though.) You can also use this tag to embed XAF ActiveVRML files.Theseallow for animated VRML objects to be freely manipulated in 3-D space, to respond to user events, or to change with time.This attribute supports many of the attributes of the <IMG> element, like HEIGHT and WIDTH, and is used like this:<IMG SRC="graphic.gif" VRML="house.wrl" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=150>This example will embed the VRML world house.wrl into the HTML document, with the navigation controls below the embedding pane.The pane is displayed as 200 pixels high by 150 pixels wide.For browsers incapable of reading the VRML file, the graphicgraphic.gif would be displayed.VSPACE NS, MSSpecifies the vertical margins for the image.WIDTH NS, MS, SMSpecifies the width of the image.<INPUT ?> NS, MS, SMThis tag is used within the FORM tag and specifies a form control.ALIGN NS, MS, SMSpecifies the vertical alignment of the next line of text in relation to the image.For use only with TYPE=IMAGE.Possible values are the same as for the ALIGN attribute of the <IMG> element.CHECKED NS, MS, SMThis is used for check boxes and radio buttons and indicates that they are selected.The options are TRUE or FALSE and is used like this:<INPUT NAME="control2" TYPE=CHECKBOX CHECKED=TRUE>MAXLENGTH NS, MS, SMThis indicates the maximum number of characters that can be entered into a text control.It appears like this:<INPUT NAME="control2" TYPE=TEXTBOX MAXLENGTH=20>NAME NS, MS, SMSpecifies the name of the control, like this:<INPUT NAME="control2" TYPE=CHECKBOX CHECKED=TRUE>SIZE NS, MS, SMUsed to specify the size of a control in characters (for TEXT AREA controls both height and width can be specified), like this:<INPUT NAME="control2" TYPE=TEXTAREA SIZE="25,5">SRC NS, MS, SMUsed in conjunction with TYPE=IMAGE, this attribute specifies the address of the image to be used.TYPE NS, MS, SMSpecifies the type of control to use, like this:<INPUT NAME="control2" TYPE=TEXTBOX SIZE=25>The following are options for this attribute:CHECKBOX This is used for simple Boolean attributes or for attributes that can take multiple values at the same time.It is represented by a number of checkbox fields, each of which has the same name.Each selected checkbox generates a separatename/value pair in the submitted data, even if this results in duplicate names.The default value for check boxes is on.HIDDEN This specifies that no field is seen by the viewer, but the content of the field is sent with the submitted form.This value is often used to transmit information about client/server interaction.IMAGE Enables you to use an image rather than a browser-driven button.The coordinates of the selected point are measured in pixel units from the upper-left corner of the image and are returned (along with the other contents of the form) in twoname/value pairs.The x-coordinate is submitted under the name of the field with
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