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.#supertext {position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hide;visibility:hidden;}//Configure the below three variables//1) Set message to display (HTML accepted)var thecontent='Hello'//2) Set delay after which message should be hidden, in miliseconds ('' makes it incessantly visible on the screen)var hidetimer='';//3) Set speed of animation (1-50), where larger is fastervar BallSpeed = 5;var thecontent='Tu wpisz swój tekst'///NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE///////////var contentWidth;var contentHeight;var maxBallSpeed = 150;var xMax;var yMax;var xPos = 100;var yPos = 0;var xDir = 'right';var yDir = 'down';var superballRunning = true;var tempBallSpeed;var currentBallSrc;var newXDir;var newYDir;function initializeBall() {if (document.all) {xMax = document.body.clientWidthyMax = document.body.clientHeightdocument.all("supertext").style.visibility = "visible";contentWidth=supertext.offsetWidthcontentHeight=supertext.offsetHeight}else if (document.layers) {xMax = window.innerWidth;yMax = window.innerHeight;contentWidth=document.supertext.document.widthcontentHeight=document.supertext.document.heightdocument.layers["supertext"].visibility = "show";}setTimeout('moveBall()',400);if (hidetimer!='')setTimeout("hidetext()",hidetimer)}function moveBall() {if (superballRunning == true) {calculatePosition();if (document.all) {document.all("supertext").style.left = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft;document.all("supertext").style.top = yPos + document.body.scrollTop;}else if (document.layers) {document.layers["supertext"].left = xPos + pageXOffset;document.layers["supertext"].top = yPos + pageYOffset;}animatetext=setTimeout('moveBall()',20);}}function calculatePosition() {if (xDir == "right") {if (xPos > (xMax - contentWidth - BallSpeed)) {xDir = "left";}}else if (xDir == "left") {if (xPos < (0 + BallSpeed)) {xDir = "right";}}if (yDir == "down") {if (yPos > (yMax - contentHeight - BallSpeed)) {yDir = "up";}}else if (yDir == "up") {if (yPos < (0 + BallSpeed)) {yDir = "down";}}if (xDir == "right") {xPos = xPos + BallSpeed;}else if (xDir == "left") {xPos = xPos - BallSpeed;}else {xPos = xPos;}if (yDir == "down") {yPos = yPos + BallSpeed;}else if (yDir == "up") {yPos = yPos - BallSpeed;}else {yPos = yPos;}}function hidetext(){if (document.all)supertext.style.visibility="hidden"else if (document.layers)document.supertext.visibility="hide"clearTimeout(animatetext)}if (document.all||document.layers){document.write(''+thecontent+'')window.onload = initializeBall;window.onresize = new Function("window.location.reload()");}
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]